Dare County schedules and hosts Household Hazardous Waste Collections.
For more information about a hazardous waste collection event and upcoming schedules, contact doug.huff [at] darenc.com (Doug Huff,) solid waste superintendent for the Dare County Public Works Department, at 252-475-5843.
Held in 3 locations:* NORTHERN BEACHES, BUXTON, and MANTEO.
Accepted Materials:
Materials that will be accepted at all of the collection locations include:
- Paints, polishes, varnishes, paint-related materials and turpentine
- Aerosol cans, adhesives and mercury
- Household cleaners and pool chemicals
- Herbicides, insecticides and pesticides
- Fluorescent light bulbs and small batteries
- Gasoline, motor oil, antifreeze and fuel additives
- Automotive batteries and automotive fluids
Materials NOT Accepted:
Materials that are typically not accepted include:
- Commercial, business and industrial waste
- Explosives, bullets and radioactive material
- 55-gallon drums of material and cylinders (other than propane and fire extinguishers)
Dare County residents and property owners are asked to mark any unlabeled containers that will be dropped off during the household hazardous waste collection event.
On a day-to-day basis
Hazardous Materials: Follow manufacturer's label recommendations
Chemicals: Contact manufacturer
Paint: Dry out and dispose in regular household garbage